
Plot No.3, Krishnagiri Main Road, Near Anand Electronics, HOSUR - 635109
+91 9786005172 / 73 / 74


Ultrasonic Equipment’s

Sales and Supply of Ultrasonic flaw detectors by MATRIX NDT, India. Ultrasonic testing (UT) is another widely applied inspection technology. Ultrasonic testing methods are an extremely diverse set of techniques based upon the generation and detection of mechanical vibrations or waves in test objects. The objects that can be tested are not limited to metals or even to solids.

The methods enabled by ultrasonic technology are often used to detect and size internal flaws in metals, ceramics and composites, but they can also be used to assess the integrity of interfacial material bonding, to measure thickness and extent of corrosion, and to determine physical properties such as the structure, grain size, and elastic constants of various materials.

MATRIX sales and supplies the following Ultrasonic Equipment’s and Accessories

  • Ultrasonic flaw detectors and Ultrasonic thickness gauges (D-meters): Contact, Immersion Ultrasonic Machines, A-Scan, B-scan, C-Scan UT equipment’s and custom built Ultrasonic testing machines.
  • Probes: Contact, immersion Ultrasonic testing probes, Normal beam, Angle beam, Dual beam, delay type, paint brush probes for special applications.
  • Cables: BNC to BNC, BNC to Lemo, Lemo to Lemo, Lemo to Lemo ’00’ and other Ultrasonic testing cable combinations including Microdot connections with various cable lengths as per customer specifications
  • Calibrations Blocks: Ultrasonic calibrations and reference blocks including IIWV1, IIW V2(Miniature block), Area amplitude blocks, Distance amplitude blocks for drawing DAC and other client specific blocks can be supplied that meet International Standards and suits various Ultrasonic testing machines and flaw detectors.
  • Ultrasonic couplants & all other UT accessories.


MATRIX sales and supplies only quality dye penetrant chemicals and accessories that are approved by various leading companies, Nuclear, Government and Defense organizations. The Dye penetrant chemicals will meet ASTM E 165, Pressure vessel codes, Nuclear, Aerospace and other national and international standards, codes and specifications

  • Visible and fluorescent dye penetrants
  • Solvents/cleaners for cleaning the test objects
  • Dry/Wet /Non-Aqueous developers
  • Penetrant systems suitable for aerospace NDT applications
  • Ni-Cr test panels
  • Aluminum test blocks
  • Lint free cloths
  • Dye Penetrant systems suitable for mass production components
  • Light meters- Lux meters, UV intensity checking meters
  • Calibration of all types of Dye penetrant system gauges and accessories

Liquid Dye Penetrants meet requirements of ASTM E – 165, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section V Article 6, IS12889, and BS3658.

Equipment’s for DPT Inspection

UV Intensity Meter

Lux Meter

DPT Consumables

U. V. Goggles

Aluminum Comparator Blocks

U. V. Black Light Assembly


MATRIX supplies wide range of Fluorescent Powders and Fluorescent Magnetic Powders used for crack detection of ferrous materials at highly competitive prices. The applications of these magnetic powders are in the field of forgings, foundry, fabrication, atomic energy, aerospace, ship building, railways, automobile, etc., for the purposes of quality control of components being manufactured for above and for maintenance and overhauling. The fluorescent powders will glow under UV or black light, in dark conditions to show the defects. The defects will be identified as brilliant yellow green indications. We also offer both oil suspendible and water suspendible magnetic powders.

Magnetic Powders meet requirements of ASTM E – 709, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section V Article 7, IS 6410, BS 4069

Coil Type MPT Machines

FWDC MPI Equipment

Demagnetizing Equipment

Consumables for MPI in Aerosol Cans

MPI –Fluorescent

MPI Non-Fluorescent


U. V. Black Light Assembly

Magnetic Field Indicator (Pie Gauge)

Residual Field Indicator

Pear Shaped Centrifuge Tube with Stand

Standard (Ketoes) Test Ring

Copper Mesh Contact Pads